We woke up to a thunderstorm this morning, and drove in to work along with freezing rain. It's quite slick and nasty out today!
What about your little corner of the world? Do you have the coveted spot of sunshine? ;-)
Image source: http://www.mountsafaris.com/ I think I'll stay away from lions, thankyouverymuch!
Louisiana (Midwest)- Accourding to Weather Underground (wunderground.com) it is 64 and Mostly Cloudy. This was true until a few minutes ago when the sun came out. Hopefully it will stay that way :0).
Well, I think we have the coveted spot of sunshine (but that's not too unusal for FL). :) T-storms are supposed to be heading our way today, but so far it's warm, sunny and breezy.
Love that lion's big mouth!! :)
Here in the southwest corner of Canada, on the coast, we had some morning sunshine which has given way to clouds once again - nothing unusual there. We're expecting snow overnight and tomorrow morning, which IS a bit unusual. We've had snow a couple of mornings this week. We usually just have rain.
Last weekend we had 12> inches and today and tomorrow the snow should add up to 12> plus again. I'm in northern Wisconsin and we haven't had much snow until now.
We had sunshine today but a lot of really cold wind as well. Brrrr!
Here in Puebla, Mexico we have pretty good weather year round. Normally we have Spring like weather all year round. Yes, it rains from time to time, but not all that much. Plus when it rains it normally last for less than 30 minutes. Give me this weather anything.
No sunshine yesterday (we live in Alabama) but it is bright today!
Yes, it is so sad about the death and injuries. May we all be ready spiritually for what God has for us today.
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