Cold, cloudy, with sewing on the horizon.
I'm planning on spending the rest of my morning in my sewing room. I have a few things to mend, and then I'm getting to the fun stuff! Mending is the neccessary evil of knowing how to sew. You know how to sew, and all the loose buttons, rips, and tears come knocking on your door! LOL When I still lived with my parents, I was my dad's chief button-sewer-onner. But he didn't let me put it in a pile to do at a mysterious later date--he would give his shirt to me and say, "please sew the button on now." I guess he knew how boring mending was to me!
Now I need to be off the computer and actually in my sewing room!
Have a great day!
Love the bowl of soup.
The lady who won the bookmark is very crafty like you she crochets, knits, sews, loves to scrapbook, so she absolutely loved the prize!
Tammy, the bookmark is absolutely beautiful. I heard about it from the league of extraordinary wives blog & followed it here. I however have a question for you. Would you consider making one in a little more manly colors? Say maybe a dark & light blue? Let me tell you why I ask. My anniversary is Valentine's Day. My hubby loves to read & likes unique bookmarks.(and typically has 4-5 books going at a time.) Next year will be our 5 year anniversary & I think that would be a cool present to give him- so you'd definitely have time to do it.
Thanks, -Gail
you can contact me @ geisme777@yahoo.com - please put bookmark in the subject line so I don't think it's spam. :)
So glad you got to do some sewing, can't think of anything better to do on a rainy day.
Have a great weekend!
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