Thursday, October 02, 2008

~1000th Post Giveaway!~

This contest is now closed.

To celebrate my 1000th post, and as a very small way to thank my readers, I am having a little giveaway.

Since it is fall, why not celebrate with a fall theme? :-) To one lucky person, I am giving a wristlet, which is perfect for those times you don't want to carry your purse; a zipper pouch; and a tiny zipper pouch.

All you have to do to get your name in the "hat" is comment. I am willing to ship anywhere! If you do not have a blog, that is fine. But please leave your email address so I can get ahold of you in case you win! I'm leaving the contest open through next Thursday.


Thelma said...

Ooh me! Pick me!

TMac said...

OO OO PICK ME PICK ME! Now I have someone else to add to my bloglist! :)

Anonymous said...

1000 posts is a major accomplishment; congrats on that! I have never tried using a wristlet before. What a great idea in a super cute package!

Anonymous said...

Tammy, congratulations on 1000 posts! I'd love to enter - all your projects are so pretty!

Mrs. U said...

OOOHH!!! May I enter, please?? I would LOVE to win some of your beautiful creations!!

Happy 1000th!!!

Mrs. U

Anonymous said...

1000 posts! yahooo

Arlene said...

Oooh, more Christmas presents... only these could be for ME! :P Congrats again on your 1000th post!

HopiQ said...

Congratulations on 1000!

You make such pretty things. Thank you for the giveaway!

Susan said...

How cute! I love the things you make. I also have a US PO box, so you can ship there instead of to Canada! ;) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I came over here from HP. Congrats on 1000 posts! (You can contact me through HP. My username is Lij)

Anonymous said...

Happy 1000th Post!!! Thatsa lotta blogging...and great blogging at that! Congratulations...and please enter me. :)

~~Deby said...

What a great giveaway....sign me up....

Anonymous said...

Wow, 1,000th post!--Congratulations, count me in too! (o:

Sophy Nextdoor said...

Congrats on your 1000th! :)

Heather said...

Congrats again, Tammy, on your 1000th post!!!

Starr said...

WOWZERS! 1,000 posts?! And here I am all excited over my 100th! LOLOL
Count me in! I love the things you make Tammy. You are one talented woman!

Kim said...

1000th post! Congratulations! I'm sorry that you are not feeling well, but glad that it is for such a happy reason!

Paula said...

I have always admired your little bags; so cute! :) Congratulations on your 1000th post. ;)

Anonymous said...

Your bags are very cute. Love the colors.

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post!!!!!

What a great prize! Please include me in your drawing.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love these! Please count me in.



Anonymous said...

They are so cute! Please enter me in! :D

Anonymous said...

Please count me in. They are just lovely!


farmhomelife AT sbc

Cheryl said...

Just found your blog and love it.

Anna said...

LOVE the stuff you make! My apron rocks by the way! Have a great weekend!

Nikki said...

WAY cute! I really like fall!!

I hope your doing good. I think and pray for you often!

lauramichelle79 said...

How cute Tammy! fall makes me happy! I need to learn to sew and prefect my knitting

kamewh said...

Congrats on 1000 posts!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Tammy, on your 1000th blog entry! I have enjoyed reading everyone of them! Please add my name to the "hat"......I'd love to win one of your "give aways"! All of them are cute and clever.....

Sandy D

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter your giveaway! I have been looking for a wristlet and yours is so beautiful! Congrats on you posts and your soon to be new baby :)

Tori Leslie said...

Oh Tammy,
Congratulations on your 1000th post! That's awesome, I don't think I have seen anything blog of your kind with 1000 posts, BRAVO!

BTW, if you don't mind shipping to Croatia, I would love to enter too!

Sibyl said...


Congrts on your 1000th post that is wonderful. Also congrats on increasing your family. Hope you start feeling better. I would love to have my name thrown in the hat.


Mom of Five said...

Wow, congrats on your 1000th post! I believe I'm almost up to 200, and I've been blogging a year now, lol. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your fabulous blog!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 1000 Tammy!! And can I just say how warm and comfy your new navy socks look!?! Ok so I know that was a few posts ago, but I'm telling you here. :)

Mrs.Vicki said...

WOW!! 1000 posts. Your stuff is so cute.

Barbara said...

Congrats on your blogging milestone. I enjoy reading your posts, please keep them coming! Email address:

Jen said...

What a nice thing to do! Congrats on 1000 Posts!

Ashley said...

Oooo, such pretty things!


Kimberly said...

Congratulations Tammy! I would love to be entered in your drawing!

Rean Day said...

Congratulations on 1000 posts!!! My goodness, so many milestones. I would love to be entered into your drawing.

I want to let you know your blog inspired me to learn crochet and now I'm "hooked"!! :)

Thank you.
Rean Day

Sandi said...

Oops I almost missed the cut off date! I wanna win! damechatelaine at

Teri said...

Way to go on your 1,000th post!

Carlene said...

Way to go Tammy!

I've been reading your blog for some time now and really enjoy it.


siouxsieq12 at yahoo dot com