Green Beans in the Canner |
This summer has been very hot and dry, but we've still gotten quite a bit of yield from our garden. I just went to our garden this afternoon, and picked almost four pounds of green beans! Our plants don't look like they should be producing anything, but they keep churning out the beans. :)
When I came home from the garden, I looked and looked online to try to figure out what the little yellow
Monster's Inc-esque bugs were on our beans. From what I can tell they are
squash lady beetles. Apparently, as they eat aphids, they also eat up the leaves too. Hopefully they quickly mature so that they can fly away and leave my beans alone!
So far, I've gotten 21 pints of green beans, 18 quarts and 5 pints of tomatoes, and various amounts of pickles, pickled peppers, salsas, and relish. My jar count is at 129 jars. Whew...and I still have quite a number of things I'd like to can this summer.
I love canning, and when I'm in the immediate process of putting everything in jars, I'm thinking to myself how relaxing it is. And then after I get the piles of dishes done and sit down I realize how exhausting canning really is. ;-) Nonetheless, I do enjoy canning, and it is so nice to have food saved aside for over the winter!