Here are the rules: Write 20 random facts about yourself then tag the same amount of people as minutes it takes you to write the facts.
I haven't been "officially" tagged, but since both Holly and Rebecca have done it, I figured I might as well too. =)
1. I got a flute from my parents as a high school graduation present. Yes, I can play it. No, I haven't played it for a long time!
2. I have taken typing tests and gotten up to 90 wpm. If I'm going for accuracy, I need to slow down to about 65-75 wpm.
3. I wear size 7 1/2 shoes.
4. Last winter I learned that 30 degrees
can feel warm! This discovery was made after a week of below 0 weather.
5. Kevin proposed to me on a ferry which was crossing the Puget Sound. I wasn't expecting it, because I thought he hadn't asked my dad :) .
6. I'm turning 29 in a few days.
7. My glasses are the first thing I find in the morning. I don't get out of bed till they are on.
8. I love to read.
9. Kevin and I met at my church. My pastor introduced me by saying I was a crazy driver.
10. I'm not a crazy driver. =)
11. I taught school for one year at a small Christian school (2003/04 school year).
12. My all-time favorite movie is
The Shop Around the Corner, starring Jimmy Stewart.
13. I'm 5 feet and 1/2 inch tall. That 1/2 inch is important. ;)
14. I like to write with blue ink the best. Black will do if it's the only thing around.

15. People always say I look young, usually they say 13 years old. I think I've grown up a little--the picture in this post is me on my 13th birthday. But then, when I was 13, people thought I was 6 or 7. Everyone says I'll appreciate it when I'm older. Huh, I'm tired of people thinking I look like a kid!
16. My first ever trip to the emergency room was last month, for my finger slicing event. I'll stay out of the emergency room from now on, thank you. It's not a fun place to wait.
17. The first baseball game I ever watched was with Kevin, after we were married. He had to explain everything to me. (I never cared about sports at all--and having 7 sisters who didn't either, I knew nothing about most sports!)
18. I love Boyds bears.
19. I decorate my kitchen in apples.
20. I don't care to paint, especially cupboards!
If you're reading this, and you have a blog, consider yourself tagged! :) I didn't pay attention to how long it took me to do this. Besides, it took a while, so I doubt I know enough bloggers to tag.