Holly gave me this gorgeous, soft, absolutely fab yarn for my birthday. It’s baby alpaca. I don’t know what I’ll be making with it yet, but something special for sure! She also bought the other yarn to go with it. It’s made of rayon. I just love both of them!

And then while we were at Marr Haven, I purchased this yarn for socks. The thinner-weight yarn is normally sold on a 1-lb. cone. The owner said that if I had called ahead, she could have wound some in smaller skeins for me. Well, since I didn’t know what she sold, how could I have done that? LOL Anyhow, she went into her house to look at her stash, and came out with two partially used cones. She said that both she and her husband must have both been knitting with it, because there were two cones in their house. Well, we figured that the one that had the most on it would be the best one for socks. I didn’t want to take chances. I’m going to have to be careful with these socks, and wash them by hand, because the yarn is 100% wool. Now I just need to find a pattern! It’s a perfect yarn for making a patterned sock out of, unlike the self-striping yarns that I have used in the past.

I bought this yarn just because I liked it so much (so this is how a stash is started…). This qualifies for another 101 item! I really have no idea what I want to make with this yarn. It just told me to buy it! *Grin*
Beautiful yarns!!! I still haven't caught the knitting bug, but I do enjoy looking at the yarns!
I do the same thing! I go through yarn at stores and think about all the things I would make if I actually had the patience to learn how.
Beautiful, luxurious yarns! :o)
Tammy, you are so creative! Love your new stash!
Oooh, how pretty! I especially love the top one. (o:
I love the colours. I just bought some lavendar baby yarn to *try* to make a pattern. We'll see...I saw some other stuff I loved and forced myself not to buy it, and now I'm kicking myself for not picking it up...
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