My one sweater project remains in my knitting bag, while socks, gifts, and my afghan fly off the needles! I will finish this sweater! And I'm going to do it before I start any other big project!
However, I have a few projects that I've come across recently that I just love.
From the July 2007 issue of Creative Knitting:
I adore sailor collars!
In Knit 2 Together, the "Rowena Cardigan":
and from the book Cables Untangled, the "His/Hers Reversible Scarf":
I've wanted to make a cabled scarf for ages, but I don't like the way the back looks on most cabled scarves. This one is the same on both sides! So it doesn't matter which side you see, it looks nice either way!
After seeing the things you make here on your blog, I have NO doubt that you can make these sweaters :-)
When you get them done please post them so that we can see.
I LOVE that Rowena cartigan! Very elegant!!
I am always get in a crafting mood when I stop by your blog. :)
Take care,
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