The day I bought it:

I re-potted quite a while ago, and it is growing well. The only thing about it is that I haven't had any luck getting it to bloom again. I recently bought some fertilizer sticks and put them in the soil. We'll see if that helps!
I need to replant my Peace Lily. I've had it for a LONG time and have NEVER replanted it. Can you believe that?
Your plant is beautiful and so healthy looking.
The plant looks great after a year in your care.You did a great job. Something else to be thankful for.
It looks very good - really strong and healthy. I had one that I nursed along for a couple of years, and I never could get it to bloom either. When you get it to bloom, let us know what you did, and I'll try it again! ;)
Your plant looks so healthy!! Good job!!
And that planter looks just like one that I have from IKEA!! :)
Mrs. U
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