Sunday, April 18, 2010

~Apple Galette~

Some time ago, I printed Amy Karol's recipe cheat-sheet, mostly because I wanted the gingerbread recipe. It has been on my fridge ever since, and now has another recipe over it. But the apple galette recipe was peeking out, calling my name.

So I made it:

The lighting wasn't very good, and it is on my (well-seasoned) baking stone. So it doesn't look very pretty, but it is seriously delicious!

When Amy blogged about it she said she and her husband ate it in six hours. Well, ha! Kevin and I have them beat! We had the whole thing consumed within two hours, I think. It is so delicious! better than apple pie! Next time I make this (because there will be a next time!) I will make it for company so that we have someone to share with. After all, it has a whole stick of butter in it. I tried to forget that as I was eating it. LOL

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