They did a great job, and it has already found a home in the nursery.
I have finished a handful of counted cross stitch projects over the last 16 years - and framed them myself. But this project needed not only a custom mat but a custom frame/glass. Adding the cost of labor for them to frame it was not that much more, and well worth it, in my opinion.
Now that these are finished, I'm looking for a new counted cross stitch pattern!
How cute! And so perfect for your little girl's room. Congrats on having the diligence to finish a project after so many years!
I have an admission: I've had a cross stitch project in progress for about ten years. I haven't even picked it up in the last four years. I thought it was a lost cause. You've showed me that it is never too late, so I may actually finish it now. ;)
Wow--just perfect! :)
wow, that looks beautiful!!! what a great idea for decorating a baby's room!
It turned out beautifully! How special to have lovely, handmade things to welcome your baby.
Tammy, it looks great! I agree - the custom framing was a really nice touch.
Tammy ~ I am so proud of you!! You did it! That's a lot of tall green grass to cross-stitch! I KNOW what it feels like to finally cross a big project off your list! Everything looks great!
How about a peek at the rest of the nursery?
Wow, those pictures look so intricate! Great job! They look really nice side-by-side in the frame.
Absolutely, positively GORGEOUS!! I didn't realize your projects were that large! You did such a beautiful job, and they framed it perfectly! "Sew" good to see the final result! ; ))
QuiltedHeart Lisa
These look SO perfect, Tammy!! I do hope that you wrote a little note on the other side of the frame so that you will always remember when you started it and when you finished it. SOOOO pretty!
Mrs. U
That is so cute. I like that you had them put side by side in the same frame. Do you have a crib and all the other goodies yet? Isn't the warmth today great?! Most of our snow melted over the weekend but we only had half of what your area got.
It has been much too long since I have visited your blog. I just happened to pop in today and was so delighted to hear you were expecting a baby. I know you are overcome with joy and excitement!
I love the bunnies! Sixteen years, huh? WOW! And just in time to greet the little one. That's nice.
Anyway, congratulations.
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