When I was growing up, my mom made the first day of spring into an occasion. She would bake a cake, and we would sing a song (why is it that this song is escaping me right now???) and have a nice little celebration.
No cake this year! I'm just happy that warmer weather is headed our way (eventually anyhow!)
It snowed here. As our church website says, "In (location) spring is a faith thing!"
Did you grow up in Michigan? I did (and still am here, where I see you are, somewhere) and I have always been discouraged by the disconnect between *calendar* Spring and real spring. Today I took some of my children out for a walk and we got rained on, sleeted on, and snowed on. All in the same walk. Ahhh, Michigan. - I got to your blog through the carnival of funny things kids say, or whatever it was, which I came to from my friend Katie in CO's blog ... I'm always curious how people get from blog to blog, so I figured it would be polite to tell people how I got here. :)
what a nice idea, though, to celebrate the calendar start of spring. I may "steal" that idea and song!
Kim in MI
Kim~It was nice to "meet" you. =) I did not grow up in Michigan--I grew up in California, where spring comes in early February. So thus you can imagine that I'm beginning to get a little stir-crazy right now. My husband and I moved to MI just a year and a half ago.
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