Before, everything just stashed in:

Nothing was spilled, it took me just a few seconds to wipe out:

And then almost everything went back in. There were a few things that didn't look too appetizing! I also found a lot of unmarked tomato products (crushed, sauce, and paste) in ziploc baggies. I think they'll go in a pot of vegetable soup sometime, since I'm not sure what each one is.

I need to find another wire shelf for the freezer. It's not very space effecient without a shelf. Any ideas for where I could look?
Hi Tammy! UGH! One of my least favorite chores is cleaning out the fridge and the freezer. But it's one of those jobs you have to stay on top of.
I loved the recipe keeper. That was a good deal on it too.
And the picture of the green beans should be in a garden book. Good pic!
YAY for Tammy! I try and wipe out my fridge once a week when it's empty before the groceries come in. I need to do the freezer more often though. (o:
Thanks for the reminder. I just did mine but I could use to go wipe out the fridge. 8o]
Yours looks good and it sounds like your using your time wisely.
You can get those wire shelf things at Wal-Mart. They have them in all sizes. I got a few for the cabinets and they work wonderful!
Denial, I'll have to look at Wal-Mart. I've seen the shelves, just never thought of putting them in the freezer. LOL
My you should see my fridge, I have some rhubarb in that has taken over (I don't mean it's growing there, lol, it's just big) so I am stuggling for room and everything is balanced on top of something else.:o)
Agggghhhh!!! Seeing your clean freezer reminds me that my fridge and freezer need such a good cleaning. Next time you are going to post some kind of cleaning project, post a warning!!
This is kind of funny because I just did a post on my blog about cleaning my closets.
Your freezer does look nice & neat though. It is better than cleaning out the fridge because if you find something you didn't know you had, usually it is usable still. Whereas in the fridge, you are usually to scared to even open the container.
Oh my, Mrs. Blythe, that's too funny about the rhubarb! Can you cut it up and store it that way?
Trixie, I laughed about what you said regarding cleaning out the refrigerator. I've been known to throw containers away because they were storing moldy food!
I just cleaned out my freezer last nite. Someone & it won't me as I'd never put cream cheese in the freezer ( bet hubby did it lol) had put cream cheese in the freezer & it was hid away. I noticed the expiration date was 1998. How in the world did that get past me lol. And I found an old fruitcake cousin Tilly had made one Christmas. That had to go lol...
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