
Everything pulled out. What a mess! It looks like water is leaking around the edge of the sink, and going down into the cabinet. The wood above is rotting, and falling down. Hmmm...that needs to be fixed soon!

Necessary items back in, several items found a new home. The basket is for my dirty kitchen towels. I've always kept this basket under my kitchen sink. It's very handy to have here, rather than trotting down to the basement to put a towel in the dirty laundry.

This whole project probably took longer to blog about than actually accomplish! *Smile* Isn't it amazing, I put jobs off till something absolutely has to be done, and it only takes a few minutes!
LOL, You're right, Tammy. That's the way it is with most jobs. They don't take near as long as we think they'll take.
I put things off too, then want to kick myself when it only takes a few minutes. Doesn't it feel nice to make something look neat again?!
GOsh Tammy!
I do the same thing too! Tonight I wiped out the fridge, washed under the stove burners, and dusted, which took me all of 15 minutes. I let my dished pile up that took all of 15 minutes to do! Why do we put these things off???
Looking Good!
Well off to clean out from under my sink. 8~)
Wow! You really are cleaning house! :) I remember when you said you never would post before and after photos! :)
Aaarrgh, your sink closet looked cleaner than mine even BEFORE you started :( Must get on and sort that out....
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