My little contest last month was so much fun, that I decided to have one each month. Guess what? It's time to have another contest!
This month's theme is "encouragement".
Just recently, I got a card in the mail from a lady in my church. It was a very sweet note, and it was such a tremedous encouragement to me. I have it on my kitchen counter, and have read it through several times, and been encouraged all over again!
What are some small things you do to encourage others? These "others" can be members of your family, church family, friends, neighbors, etc. For this month's entry, just give us some ideas that you use. It doesn't have to be BIG, and it can be something LITTLE, but let's gather some ideas, so that when God lays someone on our heart we have some different ways to encourage them!

Last month, I got so excited about finding out who was going to win, that I didn't give much time for entries. This time around, I'll restrain myself. *Giggle* The contest will close this coming Monday evening, at 8 p.m. EST. I'll announce the contest winners on Monday evening.
Just reading your blog is encouraging. You amaze me! Your attitude and sweet spirit are a joy and blessing. Kevin must feel blessed.
Kevin IS blessed! I PERSONALLY know this couple and think the WORLD of them!
I like to make a plate of goodies and then also make a card and take it to someone, just out of the blue.
Hmmm...lets see. To encourage others I will send a card...and I pray and ask God what He would have me to say to them in it. I find that when I ask the Lord to write the card through me that He ALWAYS has the right words for me to say!! I have bought little gifts to give to those in my church that are going through a tough time and need their spirits lifted. I have made phone calls just to let them know I'm praying for them and thinking about them. I have made visits to some as well. I have also prayed with them to ask God out loud for Him to bless them and strengthen and comfort them as well.
I'm looking forward to reading what others have done to encourage people so I can have more creative ways to be a blessing.
Thank you for this contest Sis!! This should be a good one!
Sometimes we discern that someone is sad, or unhappy, or even sick and we don't do anything about it. But we should, God cares for us and uses our brothers and sisters to do this. A while ago a beautiful sister from church seemed not herself, I prayed and bought her a card and a little key-ring which said "He Cares". She was so moved. Another sister I felt I needed to tell her that God loved her, but I felt embarrased because surely she already knew that! Anyway after a lot of seeking and worrying I finally rang her, she cried and told me there were some difficulties in her life that she could't share with me but that it meant so much to her that God still cared for her even at that time. I cry now to remember. A brother recently came to me and asked me if I was OK because God had prompted him to pray for me. I was so grateful as I have had one or two private difficulties recently and had told no-one, but now I know God was carrying me through it.
Praise God for His mighty blessings through each other :o)
I need to be better in this the past all I have done are cards/notes/emails of encouragement. Now that I like baking, maybe I'll give some homemade bread away to sisters in need of a boost!
I try to keep in touch with several people I've met along life's way. Just a card, e-mail, phone call, etc. seems to be my way of letting them know that I'm still out there and want to be their friend.
Also, I've found that by blogging about something that is on your heart tends to encourage people you may not even know that they are out there until they comment on how something you said was a blessing to them. That alone encourages me! LOL!
Little care packages (homemade soaps I love to make, or my new favorite muffins) with a card along the lines of "I was thinking of you"; also inviting to dinner for a destressing night of fellowship.
Right now I am working on encouraging my children's Sunday School teachers. Every one always thinks of school teachers, but, Sunday School teachers who work tirelessly every Sunday all year are often neglected. I am putting together gift bags to give them this Sunday. On my blog you can see the bookmarks I made for them. My daughter also made a key holder for her teacher. We are going to find a nice devotional to go with the bookmarks. Then we will make some homemade goodies to put in the bag. I can't thank God enough for these people and what they mean to my children and I want to let them know.
One way that I encourage others is by passing on books to them that have blessed me. I will usually write a little note on a card and stick it in the front so they will know I am thinking of them and praying for them. The funny this is, I feel like I am always buying the same books over and over again so I have a copy, too! LOL :o)
Jenn, at first glance, I thought your comment said "distressing". LOL
I'm enjoying all these ideas! Keep 'em coming!
I did too. Had to re-read! LOl :o)
There are some great ideas here for encouraging people. I shall have to purloin a few!;o)
Whenever I bake something I try to bake extra so that I can give it to a neighbor or friend. Sometimes after I bake I'll put some muffins or banana bread or other goodies into the freezer so that I will have it on hand for when somebody drops by. It's so nice to be able to offer a cup of tea and a muffin and have a little time of fellowship/encouragement together.
I take pictures often at church get-togethers and retreats. So when I am able, I make some sort of photo gift along with an encouraging note (like a small decorated flip-book, collage, fridge magnet, etc.) depending on the recipient. Sometimes I will just place the photo(s) in a nice frame. Most of my recipients either do not have cameras or cannot afford professional photography.
Cindi's remark about encouraging Sunday School teachers is great. Thanks for the reminder!
Beautiful bookmarks Tammy!
A few years back we lived in a neighborhood with many broken homes...I was a Mommy at home and built relationships with many of the children. After the bus dropped them off at the end of the school day quite a few would stop in for a hug, encouraging word, just a connection.
Our little '68 trailer was simple and not very orderly but a couple little girls would come in, look around and exclaim with awe "Your house is so pretty." I really think they felt the peace of Jesus...even from a young Momma in the process. There are so many who need to know His presence.
I try to make sure the people in my life know how I *really* feel about them. I often do this by writing little notes or sending cards or e-mails. I always thought it was sad that we wait to say nice things about people at funerals and such. I prefer to tell them while they're still with me!
Another thing I've done is if someone is at my house and mentions that she likes something of mine and it's something that doesn't mean that much to me I give it to her.
My thoughts are, it's only a 'thing' and if I don't *love* it and she does, why should I hang onto it when it could mean so much to someone else?
I reread my post and just wanted to add this as it looks like I'm just randomly thinking in your comments box lol...the gift of time, just being there, listening and loving. It can mean so much and encourage someone, and that's something I have tried to give. :)
What I like to do is quite specific. I make a note on my calender of the dates on which loved ones of those I care for die and also of the birthdays etc of the deceased, and if friend is left husbandless or motherless or wifeless etc, of his or own birthdays - so on the occassions, I can either call or send a card. I always feel that it is nice to know that one's loved one and the loss of them is not forgotten.
I also like to make notes of other big events such as job interviews, house moves, medical appointments etc and call to check up.
It all depends on the person and the situation for me. Sometimes I will send them an email or send them some snail mail lol. Other times I will give them a phone call. When I am out and about, I might pick something up and give it to the person I was thinking of. It is always fun to surprise someone with an encouregment.
When someone at my church is expecting, I like to encourage them by making them a crocheted blanket or hat and booties. Then, when the precious bundle is born, I love making their family a meal so the new mommy can rest. Another idea that I have not tried yet is to go over to a new mommy's house and clean, do laundry,etc.. Many people pay a lot for a doula to help with a few chores after birthing. If only we could help bear the burdens of our dear sisters in Christ.
I like to send cards, but adding a little pack of tea along in the card, telling them when they have their cup of tea that I have prayed for them.
Peggy from Women of Simplicity
Found your blog at Mrs. Wilt's
ROFL Tammy and Mrs. Blythe........ distressing I prob. should have used a dash....hehe
Jenn ;)
I already sent this once, but somehow, it got lost in the shuffle, so here goes again!
As a child, my mom taught me to do things for others when I was down in the dumps. It worked then, and it still works today! Doing something to encouage someone else always encourages you, too!
I love to do things for others, but I want to share some ways I have been blessed by other people's encouragement to me.
When my husband was teaching in a Christian school we didn't have money for extras, so it was a special treat for one of the ladies to take me out for pizza or to have me come to her beauty salon for a complimentary haircut. At another church, the ladies got together and came to my house every day during a difficult pregnancy. They would clean and do anything I needed done. Some of them would bring a meal. One lady took my laundry home with her each week, the whole time I was sick. She would bring it back clean, ironed and mended. There was another lady that would pick me up and take me to yard sales. We would search for nice clothing for my little girls. When we found good things, she would buy them for me. At other times she would stop by the house with a roasted chicken, a bag of Pampers, or some storybooks to read to the little ones, so I could have some time to myself. The encouragement these ladies gave me was priceless.
Someone once gave me this idea for the pastor's wife. On a given day, each of the ladies in the church sent her a card of thanks and appreciation. Enclosed in the card was a one dollar bill, with the words to "spend it on something for yourself." Imagine the fun she had when she went out to check her mailbox, and it was packed with notes of encouagement, and a whole stack of one dollar bills!
P.S. Tammy, you don't need to add my name to the drawing, as I already have several of your beautiful bookmarks. I want someone else to have the opportunity to receive them. :)
I had a couple other comments that I forgot to mention.
There was an older man in our church who would bring us huge bags of produce. The girls and I would put it all up and it was a blessing. The most touching part of it was that this man was partly crippled, and he would have to crawl on his hands and knees to harvest the fruit and vegetables he brought us. It really meant a lot to me.
Once the Lord impressed me to "go shopping" for my pastor's wife. So, I went to Wal-mart, and went through the store and picked up all the little things that I routinely buy for our home and family. I stuffed them al in a huge gift bag and took them to her. She took each item out and said, "How did you know? How did you know?" What type of things did I buy her? Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toilet paper, dish soap, hand soap, bandaids, Pampers, Q-tips, tape, paper towels, napkins, stuff like that. I had wondered how my gift would be received. Might she be insulted? She wasn't. She was very grateful, and it was because God had led me to do it that I bought just the things she needed at just the time she needed them.
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