He said:
Tammy is so right about having to follow a recipe. She could probably tell you that we never had the complete list of items for any given recipe that was about to be made. Even if we went shopping for items on the recipe we would not get everything on the recipe exactly as stated because of cost. With this in mind, Tammy decided to make a special treat for the family one day. We have a VitaMix and we had a recipe book to go with it. Tammy found a recipe for which she probably thought she had enough ingredients. I am not sure how it tasted because I never got to taste what she made. Everyone else that was home did get to taste what she made and now they will not let her forget what she made. It almost always comes up when the children get together for a big laugh at Tammy's expense. The funny thing about what she made is that you can still find it in the VitaMix mailers that they send out. I saw in a VitaMix mailer yesterday. It caught my eye and I thought that I should scan the picture and send it to Tammy for a joke. I have not had time to do this yet, but I hope to and then maybe Tammy can post the picture. So by now you are probably wondering what in the world is this that Tammy made. Well here it is . . . . "Tomato Ice Cream!!!" You read correctly. Anyway, Tammy keep on blogging.
For the record, I've not once tried this again. Also for the record, I was 15 years old when I did try it. I didn't have a recipe...I saw the ad in a magazine, and thought I could "wing" it. One afternoon, I went out to the garden, and picked two gigantic tomatoes (no lie, they were both around 4-6 inches wide! The recipe probably calls for one cherry tomato!). I headed back inside, careful to keep my culinary experiment a secret. Soon the whir of the VitaMix told everyone that something was going on in the kitchen. I soon had a small crowd of siblings, anxious to see what I was making. I had milk, ice, tomatoes and honey in the VitaMix, and what resulted was a fabulously pink, terribly slushy concoction. Holly is the only one who ate hers. The rest went down the sink. Come to think of it, if I had heated it on the stove, it would have probably been delicious...tomato soup! LOL
And by the way, I sincerely doubt that if I had asked to make this, either one of my parents would have let me! Hahahaha
One very intersting thing about this is that my mom was expecting sibling #7 when I made this. She teases me about my tomato ice cream, as do siblings #8 and 9. Now tell me, how does this work? How can they tease me about this when they weren't even born to remember it??? I mean, really, the rest of my family could have made up this story, as far as they are concerned!
It used to be that anyone who told my tomato ice cream story faced dire consequences. Now, I just laugh along! :-)
Tomato ice cream!!?? Um....yuck??!! That doesn't sound too appetizing. But if one of my girls were to make that I would have to at least try it. No matter how wierd it might sound. And I'd try to keep from doing what my husband does which is make this outlandishly ugly, horrible face when he tastes something that grosses him out..LOL!!
That's not as bad as the avocado pie she made a couple of months ago. I tried to tell her that she was just wasting the graham cracker crust and cashews, but she insisted that it would be good.
...well, you can guess what got thrown out into the trash. Not the trash in the kitchen, but the trash in the garage. I guess she did not want the aroma in the house.
I guess I'll have to really make an avocado pie and MAKE Kevin eat it. LOL It was all Kevin's idea anyhow...
should have gotten some tortilla chips and made it work!
I hate to see a good avocado thrown away!
Ditto Julie.....EEEWWW!!
this is too funny. I think all of us have a thing like this that the whole family teases you about.
Mine was a hair cut that I gave my sister when she was 3. You know the kind where you keep trying to even up the bangs until they aren't there anymore.
There is a garlic festival in California, and they serve garlic ice cream each year! :P I've never been to the carnival, or tasted the ice cream.
I don't think tomato ice cream would sell very well, although tomatoes are a fruit! Hehe
And for the record, I never even thought of avocado pie, much less attempted to make it. LOL
No. For the record, I just made that up to be funny. She has not attempted such a concoction, nor do think she ever will.
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