A few years ago, Kevin almost bought it for me. We saw it in a store that sold framed prints. The price was great, but the mat was messed up. I've been sorry ever since that I turned him down on his offer to buy it for me! I'm planning on getting it from allposters.com someday soon. It would be lovely in my sewing room.
The rest of these paintings are ones I found online. If you want to know where the image was found, google "girl knitting" and you can see the source.
This painting shows a wealthy girl knitting:

The rest of the paintings I've posted depict lower-class girls.
Knitting socks:

Knitting socks:

The picture is too small to tell, but I wonder if she's making socks as well?

It must not have been uncommon for little girls to know how to knit socks, and they were probably making the family supply of socks, not doing it for pleasure, like I do!
Oh Tammy, what charming pictures! I think some are definitely returning to such classic times as these portraits evoke.
Wow, what old-timey looking prints. I never would have thought about searching for knitting pictures. Wouldn't they make a lovely gift for a knitter? I'm going to be on the lookout for pictures like this in my travels.
Ooo I love the wealthy girl knitting. That is so pretty. Hmm you've inspired me for an idea for a post :o)
What pretty pictures!
Tammy, these were all great paintings. My favorite is the last one. Such an intense look on the little girls face. You wonder if she's concentrating on her work or has something else on her mind WHILE she works. Such a sweet little face. Thanks for sharing those with us!
Oh I love them all!
This has nothing to do with your post (starting official hijack of thread now)--
--but tonight my two kids were talking about your hubby's ability to make "super kewl paper airplanes!!"
D. wants to invite him to come to his birthday party on June 24th so he can make airplanes for him and his friends!!
I told him that would be rather difficult, as he lives near Uncle David and Aunt Penny, and goes to church with them. This sunk in slowly. S chimes in, "You mean, he KNOWS UNCLE DAVID?? WOW!!! That makes him like....FAMILY!! Is that why we call his mom Grandma Lavonne?"
I had a good laugh over it all, explaining that your hubby and his family were "family" long before you all ever met Uncle David.
So you just got yourself a niece and nevvy. Congratulations! :) lol
(end of hijacked post)
Nice pic of the wealthy girl. I am trying to crocher a pillow cover without a pattern & it keeps wanting to curve instead of being straight. How you guys keep your crocheting straight & not curving I'll never know... :)
I'm glad you've all enjoyed these prints!
As to the "hi-jacked" post...thanks for posting that, Erin! That is too funny!
Kevin asks, "Does that mean we have to send them presents on their birthdays?"
Tell Kevin: Just paper airplanes, apparently! :)
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