We got to the "dump" which was really a transfer station. So we just threw everything in a pile in a building, and it gets transferred to the landfill, wherever that is.
It feels so good to get rid of the junk that was lurking in various corners of the garage and basement! Now the garage needs a little "spiffying" up, and any junk that collects in there from now on will be OUR junk! I know junk is junk, but having someone else's leftover junk is different than collecting your own junk! LOL
In the afternoon, we went over to a friend's house for the afternoon and evening. Kevin and the husband played tennis, and the wife and I talked and took a walk through a nearby cemetery. The walk was quite interesting, as there are grave stones of people who were born in the 1700's. They also have a son (not quite two years old), who was having fun climbing up me. It was so cute--he grabbed my hands and just "walked" right up, all the way to my waist! This couple doesn't have air conditioning (but their house was made comfortable with fans and open windows), so as we were leaving, they said, "You can go home to your air conditioning now".
When we got home, our garage door wouldn't open. Hmmm...I went inside and discovered we didn't have power. Later, the neighbors told me that the power had been out since 5 p.m. (Which meant no air conditioning OR fans for us! LOL)
We sat outside for a bit and saw lightening bugs! Yeah! I love those things! (Ladybugs and lightning bugs--about the only bugs I like!) Those things are so fun to watch! We went to bed earlier than normal (we are quite dependent on electricity!). The power went back on at 11:30 p.m.
Today at church was just wonderful. The Lord spoke to my heart in all three services--Sunday school, morning and evening. Missing services here and there is not our custom--we go to church when the doors are open. I know that when I miss church because of illness, I feel as though my whole week is different. Church makes a difference. Those who skip services here and there miss out on so many blessings!
Tomorrow I get a day off! I'm excited about that! Tuesday is a paid holiday, so Kevin and I both have the 4th off. I have so many plans for tomorrow. If I am going to get any of them done, I'm going to have to stay away from the computer! =)
Have a blessed day!
Sounds like a very relaxing day/evening...sorry about your power loss...but I'm glad your day was great!
I just happened onto your blog and wanted to say hello.
Isn't it great to unload unwanted stuff? I need to plan my annual yard sale very soon, myself!
How interesting to go through such an old graveyard...I am so interested in finding out about people who lived long ago.
Anyway, I'm new to blogging but stop by anytime!
God's blessings...
Sounds like you guys had a really nice day. We had a power outage yesterday also right when I needed to wash and do my hair too. ;o]
Hope you and Hubby have a wonderful 4th!
Sounds like fun! It's great to have a good sort and clear out. Blessings
I just love the way ladybugs look at night over a field! So pretty and sparkley! Give me God's fireworks anytime!
enjoy your day off!!!! :)
I just had to say I love your template - everything about your blog is beautiful! The header, the background, the umm...headings? on the sidebar.
Love it.
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