Last night, Kevin and I went to the fair. It is a much smaller fair than we both grew up with. However, it gave us enough to look at and do.
The first thing we did upon arriving was to find something to eat, since it was dinner time. Kevin found something, and went and sat down while I got something else. Well, I realized that I’m not picky—I’ll eat just about any vegetable and real food—but I’m picky when it comes to junk food! So I walked up and down the midway and finally settled for a basket of freshly made French fries. Yup, that was my dinner! (They were good and must be a regular feature because the line was long!) Meanwhile, Kevin had finished his dinner and was getting worried about me.

We walked around and enjoyed the different exhibits. We watched horses being judged. They were all fancied up with bells and bows and fancy harnesses, and the people showing them rode behind them in a two-wheeled cart. They pranced so beautifully. The blue ribbon winner was not the one we thought would win, but they were all so beautiful it was hard to choose a favorite!

The exhibits were small (Kevin was thankful that the handcraft section was very small! Hehe) Kevin got some super-duper-soak-up-a-flood-of-water cleaning cloths for me. I have been running low on rags anyhow, and I’m sure they will come in handy! I also got a jar of lemon sugar scrub. It smelled so good, and after I tested a sample, my hands felt so smooth and soft. That was the extent of our purchases.
Here’s a picture just for my family: to my family. xoxoxo
Oh looks like fun and I love the quilt!
That quilt is so amazing! All that applique must have taken forever to finish.
That sounds like so much fun, Tammy. It's show (an Aussie fair) time here in a couple of weeks. I'd love to go and look at the craft, but I doubt we will this year. It's a bit of an expensive ordeal with the kids.
Oh my....that quilt is gorgeous!!
LOL at the piggy picture!
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