When I was four or five, I learned to sew buttons onto a piece of fabric. That was my first sewing project. I was so proud of my accomplishment!
My first "real" sewing project was a blue gingham apron that I cross stitched on. I did all the "x's" across the bottom, and I got to sew on the sewing machine and really make it. Of course, my mom did most of the work, but I believed I had made it all by myself! :)
When we visited my grandparents (my mom's parents), my grandma's sewing room was "the" place to be! My grandma did alterations for a bridal store, and the sewing room was just so much fun! I remember seeing a pattern piece and asking Grandma what it was for, and when she told me it was a sleeve, I didn't believe her--how could that odd-shaped thing be a sleeve? But she showed me, and then I believed her! :D
I progressed little by little with simple garmets, and when I was 11, I started Sewing Lessons with my grandma. My grandma has more patience than Job, or so it seems! Every Tuesday morning, I went for my Sewing Lesson and learned how to sew and follow patterns. Some of my mistakes were even ripped out by my grandma, because she didn't want me to get discouraged.
When I hit my early 20's I really began to enjoy sewing. I spent many hours making dresses for my sisters. I had an old typewriter stand, and I set it up in my bedroom, turned on the Christian radio station, and sewed and sewed and sewed! I came out only for two things: food and to use serger!
I haven't sewn much in the last few years. Life has gotten busy for me. However, when I do take the time to sew, I thoroughly enjoy myself. Unless, of course, the project is a comlete dud--which does happen from time to time!
I'd love to learn to make clothes. Blessings.
I would sooo love to have learned to sew when I was growing up! You were very blessed indeed! No one I knew could sew--isn't that amazing.
Now, my two girls struggle to learn exactly the right way to go about it because they can't ask me questions! But, thankfully, they have made a couple of items each, and they've turned out great! Thanks for sharing the pics.
Be thankful you have a talent that can be used for others' benefit--the pj's for your sisters looked great!
I love, love, love to sew! I will have to chronicle my sewing journey sometime. Great idea! My mom let me 'play' with the sewing machine starting when I was 10. I still have the same machine.
TAMMY!!!!! Can I PLEASE come over and take sewing lessons from you? I'm green with envy!!!!
Seriously, a dear lady in our church, hearing that I did not have a sewing machine, bought one for me- but I can't sew!!! Any ideas of where and how to begin??
Mrs. U
I love sewing too....however it is more of a love/hate relationship with me....LOL
I taught myself to sew...so needless to say I don't do buttons LOL too intimidating! I also, do quite a bit of seem ripping!
My mom sewed alot of our clothes and I remember watching her sewing and I think she showed me how to thread her machine...but she never let me use her machine, since she used it so much she didn't want me to break it....
right now I have several things I want to work on...however.....the sewing machine sits with dust on it! Maybe I will pull it out and sew those projects.....hmmmm
thanks for the inspiration!
Mrs. U, Come on over! :) Where to start? Does your local sewing machine store or fabric shop offer basic sewing lessons? They often do, or would be able to direct you towards a beginners class. Another option is to find someone in your church to help you out.
Visit Carolyn's blog (listed on my sidebar). She has been learning to sew, and maybe she'll give you some good ideas!
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