My favorite bird is the goldfinch. God used goldfinches in a special way for me. We were going through a hard time, and it just seemed like everything was wrong. One day when I was out shopping, I looked at the birdfeeders and picked out a goldfinch feeder. I put it out, and that very day I saw a goldfinch at my feeder! I was so excited! I loved my little "Tweety Birds", and felt like they were God's special gift to me, to bring cheer to my life. I would sit at my kitchen table and watch the goldfinches and other birds that came to my feeders. We had at least three pairs of goldfinches that would come to our feeders. They became used to me, and would even come up to the feeder if I was out on the porch right next to the feeder!
When we moved, I was very glad to be moving, but so sad to leave my little goldfinches! I almost cried thinking of them coming to get food and the feeder being gone! At our new house, I put my goldfinch feeder up, and soon had a little visitor. However, I don't have as many goldfinches at our new house, and rarely see them at the feeder, though I know they must come, because the food keeps going down!
My heart still sings when I see goldfinches! I told Kevin that God surely sent those birds to me as His messengers to tell me that God loved me!
Picture taken by Kevin
That's so sweet! I have a brush tailed possum I feed each night. He takes the fruit right from my hands! I worry about him when I don't see him for a few days, but he keeps coming back. Here's a link about our possums (different to the US opossum) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Possum
Just if you were interested!
Oh, what a wonderful reminder to you of God's love! I have never seen a goldfinch in real life so I enjoyed seeing your little friend. I guess I need to pick up some finch seed!
What a neat story. I love it when I realize a special way God has made my day. I'm sure that I overlook a milllion more. Humm, I see a challenge in my future!!
Oh, I love goldfinches, too. My favorite chapter in science class was always the one about birds. :) I especially like how you relate the birds as God's way of bringing you cheer. Some might think that God is "too busy" to think about doing something like that -- but not our God! He is good, isn't He? :o)
Emma, thank you for posting that link. What a cute little creature! How fun to be able to feed it right from your hands!
Yes, Arlene! God IS good!!!
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