Kevin was attending a Bible college about 2 1/2 hours north of my home church. My pastor had recently started the church (January, 1999) and wanted a college student to come help at the church for the summer. He knew the pastor/president of the college, and asked him if there were any students who would be interested.
Interstingly enough, Kevin had just spoken with the pastor about spending a summer helping a church.
So, on April 17, 1999, Kevin came down with a fellow student to meet my pastor, see the church, and see if he would like to work there for the summer.
That morning (a Saturday), my dad and two of my sisters and I went to the church for doorknocking. My pastor (a big tease, indeed!) introduced me to Kevin as a terrible driver! LOL (He had nothing to go on, I've a good driver!) I can't remember if names were exchanged or not, but I don't think so.
Later on that day, we were at the pastor's house for a birthday party for his oldest daughter. Since Kevin was spending the day in town, he was also at the pastor's house.
After we left, I told my sisters that there would be NO teasing me over the summer intern--there wasn't anything at all to tease me about!
I didn't like Kevin at this point, and my sisters teased me unmercifully about him.
Then around the end of June, God started working on my heart. I actually laughed at one of Kevin's jokes (oh, yeah, I was a little snobbish towards him, cause I didn't want him to get any "ideas"). Kevin took my laugh as a positive thing, and started joking even more. LOL Then he sat down and talked to my dad about dating me. My dad started out, "Well, asking me to date my daughter is like asking me to marry my daughter." Whoa! Well, Kevin really was serious, and he wanted to proceed from there.
While we called it "dating" it truly was a courtship. Our first activity together was mini-golfing with ice cream afterwards, on July 2, 1999.
Kevin proposed on December 18, 1999.
We were married on June 3, 2000.
And the rest, as they say, is history!
What a blessing!! God truly is Wonderful isn't He. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
What a great story! :)
Tammy, your pictures look beautiful against the light pinks in your blog! I was reading on Bloglines, but I wanted to see your pics better, so I clicked on your blog, and I was amazed at how different they looked with the background. The black and white, especially.
What a great story, and I love the pics! Thanks for sharing.
What a lovely story and the pictures are gorgeous!
And that dress! "Puffed sleeves" as Anne from 'Anne of Green Gables' would say! (o:
Susan, I see what you mean about the pictures. :)
Mrs. B, my grandma made my dress, and when I picked out the pattern, I thought of Anne!
Beautiful. I esp love the black and white pic. :)
I love the black and white...this is such a precious picture...and I love your site too!!
Thank you so much for sharing. What a wonderful story. When I hear love stories like that, it gives me hope :) You are very blessed. And I agree the photos are wonderful!!
Such a sweet story!
That's wonderful how the Lord brought ya'll together!
Tammy that is such a sweet story!!!!
I remember the email exchanges between Kevin and Andy--"I've found Miss 'Far Above Rubies!!!' "
That was a beautiful garden; I remember wanting to spend a few days just hanging out in their backyard! Can't believe it was that long ago.
I can't believe, Erin, that you are coming onto 15 years of marriage (I think I counted right)!
Almost six years for you, Tammy! It seems like everything just happened!
Erin, that backyard was so gorgeous, but I wasn't paying too close attention to it. LOL I'm glad someone got to enjoy it! It did make very nice backgrounds for our pictures! I'm glad my photographer suggested that we go there!
Such lovely pictures. Your dress was beautiful! How special to have had your Grandma make your dress. Sue
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