Thursday, April 20, 2006


Tonight Kevin and I went out to eat after work. We had to stay almost a half hour late so that we could get some last minute jobs finished. We went to a local steak house. I had a salad with steak on top. Mmmmm...

Today I wore a dress for the first time all this week! LOL Kevin told me that I needed to change this to a "week of skirts and tops". *Grin* I got this dress in the "uppity" section of Palo Alto, California, when we were on vacation. Palo Alto has two sections of town--one very bad, poor section, and one very rich section. But anyhow...I found this dress in a consignment store, and it was a good price! =)

This picture is the best picture for tonight, you'll have to pardon the man walking down the street. Poor Kevin! I had my eyes shut for five straight pictures in a row! I'm not very photogenic!

My hyacinths are in all their glory right now! I had to post this picture of them. I did a bit of weeding around them, and clipped the grass around the flower bed tonight. The weeds are going to start attacking me if I don't go out there and attack them soon! =D Hopefully Saturday will be nice, and I can get my yardwork done then!


Lula said...

Your hyacinths are beautiful! And I love your hard wood floors. LOL to the man in the window!

Tammy said...

LOL I have no idea who the man is. I bet he doesn't know he has his picture posted on the internet though!

Anonymous said...

you should get a garden weasel! they aren't too expensive I found out. About $20 at Wal-mart. And they will really help with those pesky weeds. I think we are going to buy one this weekend.

Anonymous said... is the link if you want to see what it looks like. They have a video to demonstrate it too.

Tammy said...

Thanks for the tip, Rebecca! That garden weasel really looks neat! I'll have to look at Wal Mart when I do my shopping this Saturday!

Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

AWWWWW.....I think the man in the window adds character to the pic!! :)

Lisa said...

Your hyacinths are gorgeous. Mine have come and gone. Does anyone know what you're supposed to do with the leaves when the blooms go away? Just leave them or tie them down like daffodils? I've never had them before this year. I was so excited when they came up. I couldn't remember what I planted last fall. lol Tammy, you always look so pretty in your pictures. I think you have the kindest smile!

Tammy said...

Lisa, that is funny about forgetting what you planted! LOL And thank you for your kind comments. :-)

If anyone has any hints about what to do with the hyacinths, let me know! This is the first time I've had them!

Cherish the Home said...

You look lovely and your flowers are gorgeous!

I'm really enjoying my visit to your blog...I'll definitely be back!


~Mrs. B